Dr Rupert Dunbar


I am currently module leader for Land law and EU law (both Level 5 modules). I have experience in teaching Contract law, Equity and Tort law. I am also the study abroad coordinator for the Department.

My research area currently concerns the relationship between international and domestic law, debating and testing notions of justice and legal certainty in domestic courts' case law. My PhD criticised the current approaches adopted by the Court of Justice of the European Union for applying international law within the EU legal system. I also have an interest in the EU internal market and the accommodation of new initiatives/technologies within it.

I welcome PhD applications in the field of EU external relations law, UK external relations law, and EU law.

Academic responsibilities

Senior Lecturer


  • PhD (The Application of International Law in the Court of Justice of the European Union)
  • LLM European Law (King's College, London)
  • Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy

Teaching and learning
