Dr Robert B. Mellor


I hold separate earned doctorates in various academic disciplines including biology and computing, I am author of 120+ scientific publications in reputable journals e.g. "Nature" and "PNAS" and 3 of my 11 textbooks have appeared in foreign translations. I have been external examiner at 30 HEIs.

Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=4q0Q7N8AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate) shows my h-Index is ~30, within the top 10% of all researchers globally, and Google Scholar reports that I am amongst top 20 scientists worldwide for "computer modelling" see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_B._Mellor

I have successfully supervised 23 research students, and presently supervise another 2 PhDs. I have won several international prizes for my works, with over 12 years industrial experience and founder of 3 limited companies. I continue as expert adviser to the EU and several national governments at ministerial level since 1994, I am a member of the advisor pool to UK Government Office for Science and member of UKRI Talent Peer Review College. 

Previously Director of Enterprise (2005-2010; quadrupling enterprise income), I received grants from the Danish, German and Swiss national research foundations, plus international bodies including the British Council, OECD, EMBO and the EU. I am reviewer for granting agencies in Australia, Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan, Norway, Poland, Qatar, Switzerland and USA, and for many Q1 and Q2 journals, including IEEE. 

I hold a German MBA-equivalent, am a qualified adult education teacher and Senior Fellow of the HEA. My work relates to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all, under SDGs (8) Decent work and economic growth, (9) industry innovation and infrastructure & (11) sustainable cities and communities. 

I welcome inquiries from potential self-funding PhD students interested in researching econometric knowledge management, the Tech Entrepreneurship ecosystem and/or computer modelling Science & Technology Parks.  


Academic responsibilities

Associate Professor


  • BSc
  • PhD
  • DSc

Teaching and learning


Social media

Academia LinkedIn