Professor Riccardo Vecchiato


I am Professor of Strategic Management at Kingston University. My research work focuses on environmental turbulence and the practices and techniques (e.g., scenario planning, technology roadmapping) that corporate managers and policy makers might use for coping with it. On these themes I worked with several national and regional governmental bodies in Italy and the EU, by contributing to elaborating, experimenting and transferring new foresight methodologies that helped decision makers to identify new critical technologies, settle their innovation priorities, design public procurement initiatives, and ultimately foster the competitiveness of local firms. In 2018 I secured a grant from Innovate UK within the Business Basics Fund Programme for my project "Technology foresight for growth and productivity: the design and implementation of a new foresight approach for UK SMEs". I am committed to transfer the output of my research and make a positive impact on students, business managers, and public decision makers. 

Academic responsibilities

Professor of Strategic Management


  • Doctorate in Business Administration, School of Management, Polytechnic of Milan
  • MSc in Management Engineering, School of Management, Polytechnic of Milan

Teaching and learning


Business, knowledge transfer and international

Professional practice, knowledge exchange and impact

Leadership and management