Dr Peter Hooda


Following a PhD (London) in the biogeochemistry of potentially toxic metals, I spent 7 years working at some of the leading Environmental Science laboratories, including the James Hutton Institute (Aberdeen) and Lancaster University. Much of my post-PhD work has focused on land and water quality/contamination issues, covering both rural (agriculture and land use intensity/management) and urban sources (sewage effluents and urban runoff) of water pollution. Since joining Kingston University in 2001, while I continue working on soil and water contamination issues, I have developed further research interests, including how climate change may affect soil nutrient dynamics or mobilise naturally occurring potentially toxic metals; soil organic dynamics in agricultural soils; fate of microplastics and emerging organic micro-contaminants (pharmaceuticals, personal care products, plasticisers, and other contaminants of concern) in the aquatic environment.

Academic responsibilities

Associate Professor (Land and Water Environmental Science)


  • PhD (Environmental Science)
  • MSc (Soil Science)
  • BSc (Hons)

Teaching and learning


Professional practice, knowledge exchange and impact

Social media
