Dr Peter Garside


Dr Peter Garside has over twenty years of experience working in the field of urban and regional development, providing economic assessments and evaluations for a wide range of public and private sector institutions. Projects include: a national scoping study of Community Land Auction Pilots, a review of the National Land Use Database and a national study on Back Garden Development for DCLG. Over the past decade he has undertaken a London wide study into affordable housing which provided material evidence for all boroughs to challenge national planning guidance and sub regional and regional economic analysis.

Recent research projects have focused on community health projects through outreach work by professional sports organisations (https://londonunited.org.uk/fan-activ) and the impact AHRC grants have had on community networks to help to build cultural infrastructure (http://cultureforumnorth.co.uk/resources/the-hidden-story/). Currently the lead investigator and collaborative research partner with the Felton Convening Partnership – FCP -  (https://www.conveningproject.com/). This is a 7 year collective impact project in West London designed to improve the outcomes for babies, children and young people through a system change approach. The FCP is primary focused on Mental Health and Wellbeing, Post 16 Outcomes and Early Years and SEND.  

In addition, he has worked for a range of government departments, development agencies and the European Commission in order to understand the barriers to employment faced by underrepresented groups and to development interventions to overcome them. Currently, he is Associate Professor at Kingston University and  Head of Department of Geography, Geology and the Environment.

Academic responsibilities

Head of Department - Associate Professor


  • Phd Human capital and urban regeneration - Liverpool University
  • BA Hons Degree Geography - University of Wales - Lampeter
  • FHEA
  • Prince Practitioner and Foundation

Teaching and learning


Professional practice, knowledge exchange and impact

Social media
