Dr Oluwabukunmi Ogunsanya


I am a lecturer on the civil engineering, construction management, building surveying and quantity surveying undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at Kingston University, London. I am currently a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom. 

I started my engineering career with a diploma in civil engineering. After a brief industry internship, I proceeded to Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria where I obtained B.Sc. (hons) in civil engineering. Served at Ministry of Integrated Rural Development in Damaturu. I was part of the human capital development programme having obtained state scholarship to study for master's degree in Project Management at Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. I worked at the state investment company where I participated in infrastructure development projects and served on several government teams. Afterwards, I joined Bells University of Technology, Nigeria and taught courses on the project management programme.

In deepening my research skills, I obtained a doctorate degree in Engineering management at University of Johannesburg, South Africa. As my doctorate was ending, I took an associate lecturer position at the Civil and Chemical Engineering Department, University of South Africa, Johannesburg. After the completion of the doctorate degree where I developed "an integrated sustainable procurement model for the Nigerian Construction Industry", I undertook a post-doctoral research fellowship at the Department of Construction Management and Quantity Surveying, University of Johannesburg. 

I am interested in enhancing productivity of the project team, delivering greater benefits through sustainable procurements, improving students interest in STEM education and advancing new methods of construction through artificial intelligence research areas. I currently supervise research students in the pursuit of their undergraduate degree and masters. I am open to supervise prospective doctoral students both home and foreign.

Academic responsibilities

Lecturer in Built Environment


  • PhD - Engineering Management
  • MSc - Project Management
  • BSc (hons) - Civil Engineering
  • National Diploma - Civil Engineering
  • Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Teaching and learning


Leadership and management

Social media
