Dr Manoj Mathew


I joined Kingston University in 2023 as a Lecturer in Earth Sciences. I have a BSc in Geology and an MSc in Petroleum Geoscience. I obtained a PhD in Geomorphology from Southern Brittany University (Université Bretagne Sud), France, in 2016. My PhD research focused on quantitative and qualitative geomorphic and morphotectonic assessment of north Borneo. I investigated the impact of crustal deformation, orographic precipitation, and variable erosion rates on geohazards and landscape development in north Borneo. In 2017, I led a post-doctoral research project in France that was requested and funded by the Saint-Brieuc Agglomération Baie D'armor (the district council of Saint-Brieuc). The project was aimed at understanding coastal dynamics and climate change-driven natural hazards along the northern coast of France. During my time as a post-doctoral researcher in Malaysia (2018–2020), I worked on a research project that provided a comprehensive understanding of the geomorphic, paleoclimatic, and palaeoceanographic conditions of the South China Sea during the Middle-Late Miocene. I was awarded the Pan-European ISblue International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship as Principal Investigator in 2021 for a project that aspired to gain a mechanistic understanding of the adverse impacts of human activities on pristine ecosystems, climate change, natural geomorphic processes, and marine sedimentary systems in Southeast Asia. My research efforts are devoted to understanding and appreciating the function of and the relationship between components of the geomorphological and geological process-response systems, adopting multi-disciplinary techniques when required.

Academic responsibilities

Lecturer in Earth Sciences


  • PhD
  • MSc
  • BSc

Teaching and learning
