Dr Kendra Meyer


I have joined Kingston in September 2022. Previously, I worked as a senior lecturer in Psychology at the University of Brighton, a visiting lecturer at the University of Sunderland and Bedfordshire and research tester at Oxford University. I have also worked as a Fraud investigator specialist for Amazon. Currently I am working as a senior lecturer in Forensic Psychology, teaching/supervising both undergraduate and postgraduate students (Forensic Psychology). I am the module leader for PS5010 Forensic Mental Health and Criminal Behaviour and PS6011 Introduction to Forensic Psychology. 

Academic responsibilities

Senior Lecturer in Forensic Psychology


  • BSc Psychology and Criminal Behaviour
  • MPhil Cantab Criminological Research
  • MSc Forensic Psychology
  • PhD Forensic Psychology

Teaching and learning


Business, knowledge transfer and international

Professional practice, knowledge exchange and impact

Leadership and management

Social media

Academia LinkedIn