Dr Juan Lee Soon


I started my academic role at Kingston University in 2021. Since then, I have been involved in various domains, including teaching, research, and business knowledge transfer.

I have delivered teaching to undergraduate, postgraduate students, intrapreneurs, and entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds. In my teaching, I draw on knowledge and concepts from multiple disciplines, such as strategic management, marketing, finance, innovation, technology, and sociology.

I hold a BSc in Accounting for Management and an MSc in Accounting and Finance from Aston University. Following this, I completed an MRes in Business and Management, and later earned a PhD in Business and Management from Kingston University.

My research and teaching interests encompass CSR, Innovation, Small Business Management, and academic theory development.

Academic responsibilities

Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Course Leader of BSc (Hons) Business Management and Entrepreneurship


  • Certified Management and Business Educator (CMBE)
  • Fellow, Advance HE
  • PhD Business and Management
  • MRes Business and Management
  • MSc Accounting and Finance
  • BSc Accounting for Management

Teaching and learning


Leadership and management

Social media
