Dr Hannah Moir


Dr Moir currently holds a Senior Fellow (prev. Associate Professor in Health & Exercise Prescription) at the School of Life Science, Pharmacy & Chemistry, Kingston University London. 

Dr. Hannah Moir currently works as a Senior Medical Writer at EMJ - elevating healthcare education.  EMJ | Elevating the quality of healthcare globally (emjreviews.com) providing high-quality writing on a range of scientific articles (e.g. symposium reviews, KOL interviews) newsletters, email campaigns., conducting interviews, webinars and podcasts within multiple therapy areas (examples: allergy and immunology, cardiology, dermatology, diabetes, gastroenterology, haematology, hepatology) to meet client briefs.

She is scientific author of over 70 publications and conference proceedings. With research interests concern ultra-endurance running/ endurance and physical activity/exercise and sex differences. Hannah's research in Allied Health Science, Sports Medicine and Immunochemistry. One of her current projects is 'Post-match Recovery in Football' and another is 'Transitional Physiology of Ultra-endurance Running.'

Dr Moir is also interested in the use of exercise prescription in clinical disease management for inflammatory conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cancers and cardiorespiratory diseases. This expands also in rehabilitation techniques on muscle damage and inflammation and skeletal muscle repair and on immuno­metabolic response to physical activity/exercise and training, specifically the role of signalling mechanisms (such as AMPK) and cytokines (such as Interleukin-­6) to responses of metabolism and skeletal muscle tissue repair.

Her previous role at Kingston University, was as a Higher Education Academic (teaching, module leadership, developing research avenues and supporting departmental administrative activities), theme leader for Sport, Exercise, Nutrition and Public Health Research Group.

She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Authority (2018) and has held a PGCE in HE since 2011.

Academic responsibilities

Senior Fellow


  • PhD, Biomedical Sciences with Sports Science (Exercise Physiology & Immunology)
  • BSc (hons) Science in Health, Exercise & Sport (Sports Biomedicine & Nutrition)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
  • Senior Fellow of Higher Education Authority

Teaching and learning


Social media

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