Dr Fawaz Awad


I completed my PhD in Human Genetics from the Sorbonne Universities Group in France, which was later renamed Sorbonne University, in the year 2014. Before that, I received a master's degree in Integrative Biology and Physiology also from Sorbonne University in 2010. I also hold a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from Al-Quds University in Palestine, which I received in 2008.

Before joining Kingston University in 2022, I worked in a variety of positions that have allowed me to develop my skills and gain expertise in my field. My most recent experience includes working as a Human Geneticist in the Molecular Genetics Laboratory at Istishari Arab Hospital in Palestine (2021-22). I was also an Assistant Professor of Human Genetics at Al-Quds University in Palestine (2017-22). Before that, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Sorbonne Univerisity and as a hospital researcher in the Medical Genetics Department at Trousseau Hospital in France (2015-17).

My primary research interests include the molecular and cellular bases of male infertility and monogenic systemic autoinflammatory disorders (SAIDs). My work led to the characterization of several novel mutations in the known SAID-causing genes and the identification of mutations in a new gene involved in SAIDs. 

I have received several honours and grants for my work, including the world academy of sciences (TWAS) research grants programme and the Al Maqdisi 2020-2022 grant. Additionally, I was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from Sorbonne University and ‘Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP)' (2015-17). I have published more than 15 papers in peer-reviewed journals.

Academic responsibilities

Lecturer in Medical Genetics


  • Medical Doctor (MD)
  • MSc in Integrative Biology and Physiology
  • Ph.D in Human Genetics
  • Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Teaching and learning

Module Leader 

  • LS4001 - Genes, Cells and Tissues

Teaching Responsibilities: Modules Taught

Foundation Year

  • FX3002 - Foundation Project-Based Learning


  • LS4001 - Genes, Cells and Tissues
  • LS5001 - Molecular Biology of the Cell
  • LS5004 - Research Methods and Concepts in Evolutionary Biology
  • LS5006 - Research Methods and Topics in Forensic Biology
  • LS5009 - Pathobiology
  • LS6001 - Molecular Genetics and Bioinformatics
  • LS6002 - Current Concepts in Biomolecular Science
  • LS6014: Project (Bioscience)


  • LS7002 - Immunology and the Biology of Disease
  • CH7080 - The Role of the Professional Forensic Scientist

Qualifications and expertise

  • Ph.D, Sorbonne University
  • MSc, Sorbonne University
  • Medical Doctor

Undergraduate courses taught


My primary research interests focus on the molecular and cellular basis of male infertility, primary ciliary dyskinesia and monogenic systemic autoinflammatory disorders (SAIDs). 

I am currently working on the pathophysiology of morphological abnormalities of sperm flagella (MMAF) that causes asthenospermia (immotile sperms) and primary male infertility. In this research project, we aim to identify novel genes involved in the MMAF phenotype. Using whole exome sequencing, we were able to identify several new mutations in the known genes involved in the MMAF phenotype (manuscript in preparation). 

During my postdoctoral fellowship and my work as a hospital researcher in the molecular genetics laboratory at Trousseau hospital, I was being in charge of the development of molecular assays for a group of rare genetic disorders called hereditary systemic autoinflammatory diseases (SAIDs) based on targeted next generation sequencing (NGS) panel. I was also studying the cellular and molecular basis of SAIDs. More precisely, I worked on developing a cellular model for SAIDs, using human primary monocyte-derived macrophages, which express the disease-related genes as well as the molecular cascades involved in the pathophysiology of SAIDs. My work has led to the characterization of several novel mutations in the known SAIDs-causing genes as well as identifying mutations in a new gene involved in SAID (Louvrier et al., JACI 2022, Awad et al., ACR Open Rheumatol. 2019, Awad et al., PlosOne 2017, Assrawi et al., J Invest Dermatol. 2019).

Leadership and management

Module Leader of LS4001 - Genes, Cells and Tissues