Dr Enda Hannon


Enda is a Senior Lecturer in Employment Relations & Employment Law. He joined Kingston in 2004 having previously undertaken PhD studies at Warwick Business School. Prior to that he worked as a research and teaching assistant at University College Dublin. Enda's PhD research consisted of a case study comparison of the English and Irish dairy processing industries, which examined the links between the industrial policy context and employment and skills outcomes in both countries.

Together with colleagues at Kingston and Dublin City University, he has completed ESRC funded research comparing the UK and Irish pharmaceutical and software development sectors. This focused on the links between the industrial policy context and employment and skills outcomes as well as the theme of HRM in ‘knowledge intensive firms.'

Outputs from these projects research have been published in journals including the Industrial Relations Journal, International Journal of Human Resource Management and Work, Employment and Society.

Enda's current research interests centre on the political economy of employment and skills, in particular the nature and influences on employment in ‘liberal market economies' like the UK. This involves examining the potential for state industrial strategy to support high quality jobs and engaging with literature and debates on ‘varieties of capitalism.'     

Academic responsibilities

Senior Lecturer


  • LLB
  • Msc.Econ.Sc.
  • PhD (Industrial & Business Studies)
  • Pg.Dip.Learning & Teaching in HE
  • CMBE

Teaching and learning
