Dr Elena Lemonaki


I obtained my BSc (Hons) Psychology from Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Athens, Greece, and my MSc in Social and Organisational Psychology from the University of Exeter. I completed my PhD in Social Psychology at Cardiff University in May 2015. My thesis examined the way in which exposure to hostile sexism influences women's social competition and collective action for parity intentions, by investigating the mediating role of emotions and the moderating role of identification in this process.

After completing my PhD, I worked as a research assistant, at Cardiff University, in collaboration with researchers from an interdisciplinary research team, on a project that investigated the role of behavioural synchrony and mental-state attribution in social interactions. In January 2017, I joined the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King's College London where I worked as a postdoctoral research associate. During my postdoc, I was involved in research projects that examined children's reasoning about ethnicity and gender based peer rejection at schools, children's understanding and reasoning about hostile and benevolent sexism, and an intervention project that aims to reduce children's peer exclusion and discrimination based on ethnicity and gender. In September 2019, I joined the Department of Psychology at Kingston University London as a lecturer in Social Psychology.  


2017:   EASP General Meeting travel grant to support my participation at the EASP General Meeting in Granada (€640).

2014:   EASP General Meeting travel grant to support my participation at the EASP General Meeting in Amsterdam (€500).

2011 - 2014:   School of Psychology Full PhD Studentship (tuition fees plus monthly stipend), Cardiff University (£51,303).


2010:   Dean's Commendation for outstanding academic performance, University of Exeter.

2010:   MSc Prize in Social and Organisational Psychology for 2009 - 2010, for having produced the best overall performance during the MSc programme, University of Exeter.

2009:   Graduate of the year "2007-2008" award from the State Scholarship Foundation (I.K.Y) in Greece, for having achieved the highest overall grade upon graduation in the Department of Psychology, at Panteion University.

Academic responsibilities

Senior Lecturer in Social Psychology


  • PhD Social Psychology, Cardiff University, 2015.
  • MSc Social and Organisational Psychology (Distinction), University of Exeter, 2010.
  • BSc (Hons) Psychology (First Class), Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, 2008.
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), 2021.

Teaching and learning
