Dr Chris Hewer


After a  career in applied optics, I obtained degrees in Psychology and Social Psychology from universities in London, and was awarded a PhD in Social Psychology under the supervision of Glynis Breakwell at Surrey University. I taught A Level Psychology for nine years (also AS Philosophy) before arriving at Kingston University in 2002. Since then, my scholarly interests have focused on critical social psychology with special emphasis on the relation between history, memory and identity. I am also interested in the intersection between history and social psychology and particularly the way that cultures/collectives remember and forget.  

Academic responsibilities

Senior Lecturer in Social and Political Psychology


  • PhD Social Psychology - University of Surrey - 2002 (Part-time)
  • MSc (Econ) - Social Psychology - London School of Economics - 1994 (Part-time)
  • PGCE (FE) - University of Greenwich - 1992
  • BSc (Hons) - Psychology - University of East London - 1991

Teaching and learning
