Dr Angela Chalé


I have worked as an academic in nutrition in institutions in the US and UK in both undergraduate and graduate programmes. I also am a registered dietitian (RD) and nutritionist (RNutr). I completed my doctorate within the interdepartmental nutrition program at Purdue University, Indiana. I then moved to Massachusetts for postdoctoral training initially at Brandeis University in their neuroscience programme and then the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in the area of nutrition, exercise physiology and sarcopenia. I was hired as a Lecturer in Nutrition at Kingston University London in 2021. My research background consists mostly of investigations in older adults where I have examined the efficacy of nutritional supplementation and resistance exercise on physical function performance. More recently, having completed an MPH at Edinburgh University and developed an interest in mixed-methods and ethnography, my work now also engages with food and nutritional anthropology to examine the intersections between ageing, health, and disease or illness. In the wider scientific community, I have promoted nutrition education in medical training, and I am an active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 

Academic responsibilities

Senior Lecturer in Nutrition


  • PhD; Interdepartmental Nutrition Program
  • MPH; Public Health
  • MSc; Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Dip; Culinary Arts
  • RDN
  • RNutr
  • FHEA

Teaching and learning


Business, knowledge transfer and international

Leadership and management