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Orientation programme for Summer School students

The orientation programme on 4 July 2024 is the first formal session you will attend. It will give you the chance to meet your fellow students and the Summer School staff.

The programme will include:

  • Receipt of Kingston ID card (you will need to enrol online prior to arrival);
  • an information session on the summer programme in general;
  • information on computing and library facilities;
  • a tour of the campus and library facilities;
  • a walking tour of Kingston town centre;
  • information on the local area;
  • information on travelling to London and further afield; and
  • social activity and dinner in the evening in a local pub.

On Saturday 6 July there will be a 'photo frenzy' competition that will involve going around central London in groups to familiarise you with the public transport system, and to help you start making the most of your one-month Travelcard during your stay.

Contact us

Summer school (2-week and 4-week credit-bearing summer school enquiries only)

Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 3639 
(Thursday afternoons)



Bespoke summer schools

Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 2380
