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3-Day Life Drawing Workshop

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Course information

Course description

This three-day life drawing course is aimed at all levels of drawing ability and experience. It will build on the essential foundation of responding to the world before you, improving observational drawing skills, and application of material and media. We will engage with a broad range of approaches, from traditional to experimental, fully exploring the potential of the human figure and related drawing techniques.

This course includes structured workshops, as well as opportunities for self-directed drawing and collaborative exercises. Throughout the three days you will be encouraged to discuss and share your outcomes with the group, to reflect on new approaches and progress.

This course is a great opportunity for those who are looking to extend an existing drawing practice, to produce new and vibrant work for inclusion in a portfolio, or just to enjoy a new exploration of the drawing process.

Example course structure

  • Day 1: Line and mark making
    Getting to grips with the fundamentals of life drawing, exploring lines of different qualities and ways they may be applied to drawing the figure. We will be working at different scales and with a variety of tools, to feel more at ease in drawing the figure and to begin to extend our palette of lines as an invaluable way to improve our drawing practice.
  • Day 2: Tone – space and light
    This day will develop ideas from the first, to focus on using tone in different ways to depict the figure in space. Participants will experiment with a variety of media to challenge how we depict light, shadow, and space. The aim is to develop a sense of our own tonal language and more control over the way we use tone in our drawing.
  • Day 3: The Figure in the Room – scale and composition
    The third workshop will experiment with composition, depicting the figure in the room and overcoming "The fitting it all in problem". Designing compositions that are thoughtful and interesting in many ways is not only relevant to life drawing but also to all other creative practices you might be interested in. The day will culminate in an extended drawing of the room (perhaps from several different viewpoints) that depicts the model in several different poses.

Visit our Instagram page here.

Course tutors

This course is led by experienced tutors at Kingston School of Art.

What to bring

A basic list will be sent to you a week in advance of the course start date. All other materials are provided by Kingston School of Art (KSA).

Booking information

We aim to be fully compliant with government health and safety guidelines whilst running short courses at Kingston University.

View the terms and conditions for booking a short course.


The standard course fee is indicated at the top of this page. If a course has any discounted fees available (e.g. for early-bird booking, alumni or students) these will be clearly outlined on the booking website.

As an educational institution fees for our open short courses do not attract VAT.


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Directions to Penrhyn Road campus, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2EE:


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