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Subject Insight Visits

Age group Typically Year 11 or above
Activity type Awareness and aspiration raising
Group size Typically 30
When Ad-hoc throughout the year
Duration Typically 2–3 hours
Location Dependent on subject interest

Student with microscopeOur Subject Insight Visits are the perfect opportunity for your students to get a taste of a particular subject at a university level, furthering their current knowledge and exploring new areas of study.

Our sessions are specifically designed to link in with aspects of the curriculum in order to support attainment, whilst also showcasing the broad range of study options at university.

Every session is designed to be as hands-on and engaging as possible, often using state-of-the-art technology/facilities and supported by student ambassadors studying the subject or related degree areas.

Contact us

For more details, or to request a booking, please contact us using

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Education Liaison
Tel: +44 (0)7917 000093
Email us

Contact us

Education Liaison
Tel: +44 (0)7917 000093
Email us

Additional information

  • Visits are normally delivered on campus to give students a true reflection of university, however we can often arrange to visit your school/college.
  • Visits can be combined with campus tours and higher education talks.
  • Visits can often be tailored to reflect curriculum topics being studied by students, please provide as much information as possible when booking.
Students at Head Start

Student testimonial

"I thoroughly enjoyed today…it has made me more sure of my university course."