Mrs Shereen Paul

Research project: Emotion regulation in high and low schizotypy between two cultures; Pakistani and British


Emotions are a strong internal experience that influences behaviour and if they are not regulated properly it can lead to psychological issues. Schizotypy is a psychological concept that involves personality traits, perceptions and experiences that are similar to, but less severe than, the symptoms of schizophrenia. For social communication, interpretation of correct facial expressions is vitally important. Research suggests that individuals with high schizotypy have difficulty in recognizing certain facial emotions, which leads to social impairment. Culture and religion have a large impact on the regulation of emotions. Both Pakistani and British cultures have core Abrahamic values and my research will look into the differences in the way these two cultures with the same core religious values regulate their emotions? My study will use different statistical methods such as questionnaires. It will examine whether individuals from Pakistani and British cultures who score high on schizotypy show difficulty in perceiving emotions.

  • Research degree: PhD
  • Title of project: Emotion regulation in high and low schizotypy between two cultures; Pakistani and British
  • Research supervisor: Dr Sabira Mannan
  • Other research supervisor: Dr Noura Vyas, PhD


I have always been interested in Psychology and have been fascinated by how it can be applied to almost any situation -this has made me curious and observant in my everyday life. I studied Psychology and English Literature at University in Pakistan. My interest in Psychology developed further during my degree and learnt a fair amount during my work experience at the mental hospital and rehabilitation centre. Unfortunately, I was not able to pursue my interest further after marriage. However, I recently did my MCs in Psychology, my dissertation was on ‘The Relationship Between Creativity and Schizotypy in a Healthy Population'. Schizotypy has interested me greatly as it is a very rich and complex psychopathology construct. Therefore, for my PhD research I am looking into how emotion regulation in high and low schizotypy effects the Pakistani and British population. 

Areas of research interest

  • Schizotypy
  • Emotions
  • Culture


  • B.A in Psychology and English Literature, Punjab University
  • MSc in Psychology, Kingston University