This thesis looks at how the process of resilience contemporaneously unfolds for children with a visible difference starting Year 7. The school transition has been identified as a normative ecological transition in which an individual is challenged to negotiate new roles and settings. Bronfenbrenner's Process-Person-Context-Time (PPCT) model locates the child at the centre of this ecological transition providing for a longitudinal mixed-method qualitative approach, aiming to capture the experiences of these children during their first year at secondary school.
Over the course of my career, I have enjoyed working in a variety of roles. Amongst these are teaching, mentoring, and tutoring, mostly in education and in working with families. As a mature student, I developed a willingness to learn more about the field of social and developmental psychology during the completion of my Masters. I have always been interested in working with children of different ages and in particular creating opportunities for children's learning and development. In addition to this, I am fascinated with the context in which learning occurs and how the resilience processes in different contexts interact and change.
I know that I will always be a learner, even when my thesis is complete, and I am looking forward to the next part of my career, producing more opportunities for young people to develop their learning paths and for me, to continue mine!