My research focuses on the understandings and perceptions of dementia among ethnic minority groups. I am specifically focusing on Black Afro-Caribbean and South Asian groups. I am interested in how religion and culture impacts perceptions and help-seeking behaviours for dementia in the UK. It is a mixed methods approach and aims to look at these factors from a public, patient/carer, clergy and health professionals perspectives. I am using social representation and acculturation theory.
I am a research seminar tutor for psychology and sociology level 4 and 5 at Kingston University. I was also a lecture/seminar and module leader for psychology for level 4,5,6 and 7 at BPP University London. I am also an Associate Fellow of the Advance HE (formerly Higher Education Academy).
My supervisors are Professor David Herbert (Department of Sociology) and Sabira Mannan (Head of Psychology).