Wind energy is one the leading forms of renewable energy sources in the UK. It has been playing a major role in energy transition and promoting clean energy growth. Some of the prime locations for on-shore wind power are found to be in cold climate areas. These areas have the potential to generate 10% more power than other sites. However, cold climates result in ice build-up on wind turbine blades which degrades its aerodynamic performance, damages the wind turbines blades due to mass imbalance and reduces the annual energy production. My research focuses on this core problem of ice formation. Therefore, the aim of the current project is to use numerical methods to predict ice accretion on wind turbine blade and offer an effective ice protection system.
I joined Kingston University in 2013 to study Masters in Aerospace Engineering (MEng). Throughout my degree, I was involved in a range of research projects including: Development of an aircraft fuel burn model for London Luton Airport; Delaying boundary layer transition using forward facing step; and Grid generation and aerodynamic analysis of 2D wind turbine aerofoil. I enjoyed working on different projects within my field as it allowed me to learn something new and doing a PhD was even better because it allowed me to extend my knowledge from aeronautical to wind energy.
Alongside my PhD, I have also been working as a graduate teaching assistant to support aerodynamics and propulsion lectures at the university. I have now been certified as an Associate Fellow of Higher Education Academy (AFHEA).