I am a Psychology Researcher and PhD Candidate at Kingston University London, with quantitative and qualitative research and analysis expertise interested in improving the academic and social outcomes of vulnerable and marginalised individuals with and without SEND using developmental and social psychology theories.
In my PhD thesis, I am investigating the social inclusion of adolescents with VI and its impact on their domain-specific and global self-esteem, on their academic inclusion, which I have here defined as students' academic performance and classroom participation, and on their social competence, which consists of all these social skills that individuals with VI apply in order to succeed in activities of daily living (ADLs), orientation and mobility (O&M), public encounters and personal affairs. Due to the lack of previous research, I have developed my own socioecological model in order to conceptualise social inclusion.
I really hope that my research will raise awareness about the academic and social needs of individuals with VI.
I am a Psychology Researcher, PhD candidate and HP Lecturer at Kingston University London. Except for my PhD thesis, my involvement in other research projects includes the investigation of the role of (re)habilitation services in the academic and socioemotional development of children and adolescents with visual impairments, the examination of the provision of social support to individuals with visual impairments, the inclusion of adults with visual impairments in higher education, the exploration of the service experiences of young people aged between 16-25 years with SEND identifying as LGBTQ+ , the examination of trust and trustworthiness in young children and the application of psychology research methods on research projects focusing on the mental health of vulnerable adolescents and adults (e.g. substance use and eating disorders). I have been awarded several grants for my academic merit and research and one of my latest achievements was the decision of the Prime Minister of Greece to include youth entrepreneurship as a subject in all schools in the country, after the suggestions discussed in the "Innovation and Entrepreneurship at School" event, where I presented my ideas on employment and entrepreneurship of students with SEND.
I am currently teaching various Psychology modules at Kingston University and I have blended teaching expertise. I am also an Associate Fellow of the Advance HE (formerly Higher Education Academy) and a guest peer-reviewer in the British Journal of Visual Impairment and the Journal of Health Psychology.
Other publications
Invited talks
Back, Elisa, Main, Ellie, Schur, Pheobe, Manitsa, Ifigeneia, Clifford, Katharine, Barlow-Brown, Fiona, Parchment, Swane and Spurin, Hayley (2025) The benefits of an autism peer network in higher education. Neurodiversity, ISSN (print) 2754-6330 (In Press)
Manitsa, Ifigeneia and Barlow-Brown, Fiona (2024) Exploring the “interactive” hypothesis in adolescents with vision impairment : the relationship between school belonging and self-esteem. Psychology : The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 29(2), pp. 79-104. ISSN (print) 1106-5737
Livanou, Maria, Bull, Marcus, Manitsa, Ifigeneia, Hunt, Jodie, Lane, Rebecca and Heneghan, Anya (2023) Co-producing a complex psychosocial intervention during COVID-19 with young people transitioning from adolescent secure hospitals to adult services in England : Moving Forward intervention (MFi). Child And Adolescent Mental Health, ISSN (online) 1475-3588 (Epub Ahead of Print)
Manitsa, Ifigeneia, Barlow-Brown, Fiona and Livanou, Maria (2023) Evaluating the role of social inclusion in the self-esteem and academic inclusion of adolescents with vision impairment. British Journal of Visual Impairment, ISSN (print) 0264-6196 (Epub Ahead of Print)
Manitsa, Ifigeneia and Barlow-Brown, Fiona (2022) The role of habilitation services in the lives of children and adolescents with visual impairments. British Journal of Visual Impairment., ISSN (print) 0264-6196 (Epub Ahead of Print)
Montague, Amy, Manitsa, Ifigeneia and Barlow-Brown, Fiona (2022) A qualitative insight into factors pertaining to alcohol consumption among young adult women during the COVID-19 outbreak. Emerging Adulthood, 10(2), pp. 511-518. ISSN (print) 2167-6968
Manitsa, Ifigeneia and Doikou, Maro (2022) Social support for students with visual impairments in educational institutions : an integrative literature review. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 40(1), pp. 29-47. ISSN (print) 1744-5809
Manitsa, Ifigeneia, Barlow-Brown, Fiona and Lyons, Evanthia (2020) Self-concept of adolescents with visual impairments. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 38(2), pp. 160-167. ISSN (print) 0264-6196
Back, Elisa, Main, Ellie, Manitsa, Ifigeneia, Clifford, Katharine, Schur, Phoebe, Barlow-Brown, Fiona, Parchment, Swane and Spurin, Hayley (2024) The benefits of an autism peer network in higher education. In: Neurodevelopmental Annual Seminar (NDAS) 2024; 28 Jun 2024, Norwich, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Manitsa, Ifigeneia, Barlow-Brown, Fiona and Lyons, Evanthia (2019) Self-concept in adolescents with visual impairments. In: 10th Annual Faculty Research Conference: Contemporary Issues in Business and Social Sciences in a period of uncertainty; 03 - 04 Jun 2019, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Manitsa, Ifigeneia (2022) The social inclusion of adolescents with visual impairments : a multidimensional approach. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Contact me for more information.