I aim aiming to construct a young adult speculative fiction novel that explores female agency within western society. I am aiming to explore how asserting agency leads to the villainization of females. The narrative will show how the female protagonist goes from being well-cared for, despite her oppression, when she behaves as a "good girl" within patriarchal society. It then shows how she is villainized when she asserts agency and therefore threatens patriarchal society. I aim to explore how becoming a "bad girl" leads to the young female protagonist being treated as ‘monsters'. I will utilise the reading of feminist theorists, such as Simone de Beauvoir, Lois Tyson, Anna Gilarek, Donna Haraway, to explore how these themes inform my narrative. My creative project aims to present a feminist narrative that encourages young people to think critically about agency and autonomy through a genre that is engaging and accessible.
I first began studying Creative Writing when I undertook my English Literature and Creative Writing undergraduate degree at Kingston University in 2017. I then graduated in 2020 with a First Class BA(Hons) and won the Kingston Undergraduate Creative Writing Prize. This propelled me to continue studying Creative Writing at MA level at Kingston, where I graduated with Distinction in 2021. I was published in the Kingston RiPPLE magazine in 2021, which was a wonderful experience that I was grateful to be apart of. I have always been passionate about English and Creative Writing; I have been an English Tutor for many years, and I also worked at CASE as an Academic Advisor. I greatly enjoy helping other students with their studies, as well as progressing with my own.