Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is endowed with huge quantities of petroleum, which attracts private and public interests. Evidence from countries such as Ghana, Nigeria and Angola suggest that petroleum legislation and contracts with petroleum companies are largely inconsistent with key requirements of the rule of law (ROL), justice and socioeconomic rights. SSA lacks the capacity to effectively address this imbalance. The World Bank New Africa Strategy (NAS) of 2011 could be one of intervening instruments to help address this challenge. The thesis argues that when tenets of the ROL (such as transparency and accountability) and justice are effectively integrated in petroleum law in SSA, there is the greater possibility that petroleum law can effectively protect socioeconomic rights such as adequate standard of living, especially when there is an intervening factor such as the NAS to build the capacity of SSA to achieve fair share (entitlement) from its petroleum.
I am a pragmatist-pacifist with real passion, interest and appreciation for acquiring, unpacking and imparting knowledge that makes or can make meaningful impact on beneficial learning, research, growth and development of institutions and people. I am always flexible, eager to learn, disciplined, affable, result-oriented, a team player and detail-focused. My ability to diagnose, simplify, convey and find solutions to complex technical ideas and problems from interdisciplinary perspectives such as law, petroleum, environment, international relations, management, planning, research and development is remarkable. My professional experience is over 12 years in consulting, advocacy, counselling, management and research.
I have published widely in Ghanaian newspapers such as Ghanaian Times and the Enquirer; online portals such as, and; and at,
Since July 2018, I have been working as a Research Fellow (EU PROTAX), under Professor Dr. Umut Turksen, at the Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity of Coventry University.
Adam Abukari & Umut Turksen, 'OECD's Global Principles and EU's tax crime measures' (2019) Journal of Financial Crime.
Turksen, Umut, Abukari, Adam, Rasmouki, F, Kreissl, R, Bourton, S, Luecke, Heike, Lui, A, Mahuta, H, Öner, S, Grasso, C, MacLennan, S and Pasculli, L (2023) Tax Crimes and Illicit Money Flows in the EUs: Comparison and Key Findings. In: Turksen, Umut , Vozza, Donato , Kreissl, Reinhard and Rasmouki, Fanou, (eds.) Tax Crimes and Enforcement in the European Union: Solutions for law, policy and practice. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780192862341
Abukari, Adam (2019) Rule of law and justice in petroleum law in sub-Saharan Africa : critical analysis of socioeconomic rights and the World Bank New Africa Strategy. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .