Protein-Protein interactions are critical to the function of living organisms. Being able to predict protein interactions is crucial for drug targeting and drug design. Thus far, there is no complete or accurate method to predict protein interactions. Whilst it is unrealistic for any one research project to change that, we aim to contribute new knowledge of protein interaction systems which will improve the current state of the art, and eventually, as the science of protein interactions evolves due to collective efforts, the problem of protein interaction prediction will be solved, leading to new, better, and safer drugs.
I read my bachelor's and master's degrees at Kingston University where I am now studying for a PhD.
Laibe J., Broutin M., Caffrey A., Pierscionek B., Nebel JC. (2017) Data Mining the Protein Data Bank to Identify and Characterise Chameleon Coil Sequences that Form Symmetric Homodimer β-Sheet Interfaces. In: Rojas I., Ortuño F. (eds) Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. IWBBIO 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10209. Springer, Cham DOI
Laibe J., Caffrey A., Broutin M., Guiglion S,. Pierscionek B., Nebel JC. (2018) Coil conversion to β-strand induced by dimerisation. Pending publication.