Fashion MA : Apply for this course

Before you apply

Before you submit your application, please read through our entry criteria carefully to ensure you meet our requirements.

How to apply online

Please ensure you select the mode of attendance and start date that you wish to apply for below.

If you haven't begun an online application already, you will need to select 'new user' once the form is opened and set up a username and password. This allows you to save and return to your application if you can't complete the application in one go.

Fashion MA

Start date Attendance
September 2024full time attendanceApply now
September 2024full time attendance including professional placementApply now
September 2025full time attendanceApply now
September 2025full time attendance including professional placementApply now
September 2025part time attendanceApply now

Application deadlines

We encourage you to apply as soon as possible, applications will close when the course is full.

Portfolio advice

A good portfolio for an application to MA Fashion at Kingston School of Art should include:

  • Evidence of research - This is fundamental to the design process and there should be strong evidence that you can gather interesting visual research that develops the concept and narrative of your design work.
  • Evidence of process - Process work is evidence of how the final outcomes of a project are arrived at. This could and should include evidence of research work, sketchbook work, 3D work, design drawing. How you think and work as a designer is communicated with this work.
  • 3D work - The MA Fashion course at Kingston School of Art believes in thinking through making. This means that ideas and designs are explored through, and developed by, making in 3D. It also means that what you make can inform the design work, rather than the 3D work being a reaction to drawn ideas.
  • Design drawing and thinking - How do you communicate your ideas during the process of the project. These are your ‘every day' design drawings that you produce as part of a design project.
  • Evidence of considered use of colour and fabrics - How do you develop a palette of fabrics and colours for a project?
  • Technical drawings of clothes.
  • Examples of illustrations exploring different styles and use of different techniques.

For help in preparing your portfolio see our short courses:

For those who would like to follow a short summer course as an introduction to fashion design, and in particular, for students who are thinking of making an application to a degree or foundation course see our Fashion Design Summer School.

Information required to confirm your place

We will require the following information to allow us to confirm your place on the course. This can be forwarded to us after you have submitted your application:

  • Proof of your English language proficiency, if English is not your first language. This will generally be either an IELTS or TOEFL test certificate. If you do not hold a formal English language qualification, please indicate how you have acquired your proficiency in written and spoken English. See postgraduate English language requirements.

All communications should include your full name and your Kingston University ID number, which can be found in your offer letter.

After you have applied

If the admission tutor wishes to see a portfolio from you, you will be sent an email asking you to upload your zipped portfolio to the OSIS portal within three weeks of the date of the email request.

If the admissions tutor requires further information or wishes to invite you to an interview, they will contact you directly. You will then hear whether your application has been successful.