Biomedical Science: Haematology MSc

Why choose this course?

This course will introduce you to key concepts of haematopoietic stem cells and normal blood cell production. The course focuses on disease processes, the underlying pathological mechanisms, how they are diagnosed, and personalised patient treatments.

During your time at Kingston, the course will offer guidance and preparation for your future IBMS registration. An extended laboratory research project will enable you to pursue an area of interest in depth.

Practising expert biomedical scientists are an integral part of the teaching team and ensure that the programme content reflects current practice. Academic staff at the University provide the opportunity for involvement in internationally-recognised research.

Mode Duration Attendance Start date
Full time 1 year 2 days a week September 2025, January 2026
Full time 2 years including professional placement 2 days a week plus placement year September 2025, January 2026
Part time 2 years 1 day a week September 2025, January 2026

Reasons to choose Kingston University

  • This course is accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Science.
  • Our expert teaching staff and guest speakers will help you gain an in-depth understanding of haematological disease processes and the latest diagnostic techniques.
  • The University has extensive links to leading healthcare and research laboratories, such as GlaxoSmithKline, the National Blood Transfusion and Transplant Service and local teaching hospitals.


This course is accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS). Graduates can apply to the IBMS for consideration for admission as Members of the Institute. 

What you will study

The programme comprises four taught modules, plus an extended research project where students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and to develop competences in advanced laboratory techniques.

The modules will familiarise you with the theoretical and practical aspects of molecular medicine used in research and hospital laboratories, the molecular basis of immunological mechanisms, cellular mechanisms of disease, physiological manifestations and implications to public health. You will learn about the principles and practice of laboratory management in biomedical science, and you will acquire the skills required for researching and communicating in biomedical science. You will also study modules in your specialist route. In addition to subject-specific knowledge, the course aims to develop your communication and other skills.

To provide our MSc students with the best learning experience, allowing them to get the most out of their study time, the taught elements of our MSc course are typically delivered across two working days during the week.

In addition to the standard 12-month programme, we also offer the course as a two-year postgraduate programme with an optional integrated work placement component. This option is available for both international and full-time home/EU students of this course.

For a student to go on placement they are required to pass every module first time with no reassessments. It is the responsibility of individual students to find a suitable paid placement. Students will be supported by our dedicated placement team in securing this opportunity.


Optional placement year


Anaemia, Haemostasis and Blood Transfusion

30 credits

The module explores the normal production of red cells and platelets and function of clotting factors. It then considers how acquired and hereditary abnormalities can lead to anaemia and coagulopathies, and examines how patients present clinically and are then diagnosed and treated. This includes exploring the roles played by the National Blood Transfusion and Transplant service in treatment of these disorders and considers the key clinical considerations of blood transfusion. To support understanding of the key-note lectures, additional material is provided via Canvas, with students encouraged to actively participate in directed further study. The lectures are designed to provide the students with some real insights into genuine laboratory practice and the ways in which theory informs the day-to-day analysis of blood in hospital diagnostic laboratories. This is reinforced by an opportunity for the students to perform clotting analyses in the practical class.

Haematological Malignancy

30 credits

The module initially explores how the haematopoietic system develops through the different stages of human development and growth, and then focuses on tumours of haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues, including acute and chronic leukaemias, myeloproliferative neoplasms, multiple myeloma, and lymphomas. The module examines the molecular basis of these diseases, as well as their pathophysiology, diagnosis and available treatment Students are encouraged to develop a critical approach to the subject through the use of case studies and data interpretation. Techniques used for the diagnosis of haematological malignancies are also explored in laboratory practical sessions.

Immunology and the Biology of Disease

30 credits

This module provides students with an introduction to the concepts of immunity and pathobiology. Students will become familiar with the different cells and organs of the immune system and how these function and interact to protect the body from infection. In addition, the module introduces students to the cellular mechanisms and genetic causes of disease considering both the physiological manifestations and the public health implications. The module also introduces some of the molecular processes and signalling events that are important in communication between cells of the immune system. It goes on to consider the role of cellular pathology in the context of other pathology disciplines such as clinical chemistry. Practical classes give students the opportunity to apply their basic knowledge of immunology to interpret the significance of laboratory data and the role of the immune system in disease.

Research techniques and scientific communication

30 credits

The module enables students to develop and extend skills required to research and communicate in biosciences, and the principles and practice of laboratory techniques, research planning, management, data handling and presentation. The material is contextualised by lectures, practicals, workshops and directed reading around the planning and execution of experiments and interpretation of the data in a clinical setting or in clinically-based studies.

Research Project

60 credits

This Research project module is the final stage in the MSc qualification and represents 60 Level 7 credits. It is designed as a 'capstone' module, and gives students the opportunity to use and synthesise the knowledge and skills they have acquired from the other taught modules in applied "real-world learning". It involves presenting work in formats appropriate to wider professional audiences, practising new and/or improved laboratory skills, and most importantly demonstration of the ability to independently solve complex problems.


Professional placement

120 credits

The Professional Placement module is a core module for those students following a masters programme that incorporates an extended professional placement. It provides students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in an appropriate working environment and develops and enhances key employability and subject specific skills in their chosen discipline. Students may wish to use the placement experience as a platform for the major project or future career.

It is the responsibility of individual students to find and secure a suitable placement opportunity. This should not normally involve more than two placements which must be completed over a minimum period of 10 months and within a maximum of 12 months. The placement must be approved by the Course Leader, prior to commencement to ensure its suitability. Students seeking placements will have access to the standard placement preparation activities offered by Student Engagement and Enhancement (SEE) group.

Read more about the postgraduate work placement scheme.

Work placement scheme

Many postgraduate courses at Kingston University enable students to take the option of a 12-month work placement as part of their course. Although the University supports students in finding a placement and organises events to meet potential employers, the responsibility for finding the work placement is with the student; we cannot guarantee the placement, just the opportunity to undertake it. You may find securing a professional placement difficult as they are highly competitive and challenging, but they are also incredibly rewarding. It is very important to prepare and apply yourself if this is the route you wish to take. Employers look for great written and oral communication skills and an excellent CV/portfolio. As the work placement is an assessed part of the course, it is covered by a student's Student Route visa.

Find out more about the postgraduate work placement scheme.

Entry requirements

Typical offer


Teaching and assessment

A wide range of assessments are provided in the programmes. Assessments can be either formative or summative, the formative assessments being designed to provide students with the opportunity to practice assignments and receive feedback as a form of ‘feed-forward' for the summative assessments.

Assessments are designed to assess advanced skills and evaluation of information. In addition to formal examinations, coursework assessment formats are varied in nature and include written reports and essays, poster and oral presentations, a research proposal and in-class tests. They are often authentic in nature, designed around problem-solving exercises and case studies to develop students' research abilities and critical thinking. The research project, which comprises one third of the programme, is designed as a ‘capstone' project and aims to give students the opportunity to use and synthesise the knowledge and skills they have acquired during their degree.

Considerable effort is made to ensure that assessment loading for students is manageable, and assessment points are appropriately spread throughout the year. Each module has no more than three summative assessments, including any formal examination.


Guided independent study (self-managed time)

Support for postgraduate students

Your workload

How you will be assessed

Feedback summary

Class sizes

Who teaches this course?

This course is delivered by the School of Life Sciences, Pharmacy and Chemistry.

The School of Life Sciences, Pharmacy and Chemistry offers an outstanding and diverse portfolio of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in biological and biomedical sciences, chemistry, forensic science, pharmacy, pharmacological and pharmaceutical sciences, and sport science and nutrition.

We've invested heavily in the development of new facilities including laboratories for teaching and research to provide students with access to ultra-modern equipment in a wide range of teaching facilities.

Postgraduate students may run or assist in lab sessions and may also contribute to the teaching of seminars under the supervision of the module leader.

Fees for this course

2025/26 fees for this course

2024/25 fees for this course

Tuition fee information for future course years

Fees for the optional placement year

Postgraduate loans

Scholarships and bursaries

Gangolli scholarship

Additional costs

Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs that are not covered by tuition fees which students will need to consider when planning their studies. Tuition fees cover the cost of your teaching, assessment and operating University facilities such as the library, access to shared IT equipment and other support services. Accommodation and living costs are not included in our fees. Where a course has additional expenses, we make every effort to highlight them. These may include optional field trips, materials (e.g. art, design, engineering), security checks such as DBS, uniforms, specialist clothing or professional memberships.


Computer equipment

Photocopying and printing

Field trips


After you graduate

Examples of recent graduate destinations include:

  • biomedical scientist at Kingston Hospital, Kingston
  • biomedical scientist at St George's Hospital, London
  • trainee biomedical scientist at Barnet and Chase Farm Hospital, London
  • trainee biomedical scientist at St George's Hospital, London.

Careers and recruitment advice

The Faculty has a specialist employability team. It provides friendly and high-quality careers and recruitment guidance, including advice and sessions on job-seeking skills such as CV preparation, application forms and interview techniques. Specific advice is also available for international students about the UK job market and employers' expectations and requirements.

The team runs employer events throughout the year, including job fairs, key speakers from industry and interviews on campus. These events give you the opportunity to hear from, and network with, employers in an informal setting.  

What our graduates say

How we work with industry partners

Our links with industry provide a practical base for our courses. They also help us to ensure your studies are kept up to date and relevant to the workplace.

This course includes:

  • up-to-the-minute information from practising biomedical scientists; and
  • visits to specialist laboratories to enhance your knowledge of the working environment.

Current research in this subject

Many of our staff in the Faculty are research active. This ensures they are in touch with the latest thinking and bring best practice to your studies.

Research focuses on the interaction of chemistry and life sciences with medicine. It is divided into three main sub-areas;

  • Therapy  including immunology, stem cell research and allergenic effects of foods;
  • Parasitology  including parasite transmission, drug responses and host cellular immune responses; and
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences  including the use and understanding of free-radical reactions and the use of anti-cancer drugs/new bioactive natural products.

Get professional experience alongside your studies

We work with a variety of employers such as hospitals, community health care, NHS foundation trusts, academic publishers, and pharmaceutical companies, many of which also offer professional experience opportunities for our Biomedical Science with Management Studies MSc students.

Benefits of professional experience

  • Get work experience in a scientific environment – making you more employable
  • Work on a project of benefit to the employer
  • Develop transferable skills and enhance your CV
  • Make professional contacts
  • Receive a work reference at the end of a successful placement

What's on offer

  • Part-time, unpaid and either office or laboratory-based
  • Flexible to fit in with your studies and the employer's needs
  • An academic supervisor allocated to all placement students
  • Should encompass 200 hours of work during the period October to April alongside studies

Professional experience could include

  • Conducting discrete pieces of research, investigation, and fact finding
  • Supporting laboratory work such as ensuring that Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available for all lab materials
  • Assessing, archiving, sorting, transcribing, and filing scientific documents and files
  • Taking minutes in meetings involving scientific content

How to get professional experience

Competition to gain professional experience is fierce and places are not guaranteed. During Induction Week, you will be introduced to the scheme and the Kingston University Careers and Employability Centre resources where you will find a CV and covering letter template.

All applications must use these CV and covering letter templates, which are accessed via your KU account. Therefore, to apply for the Professional Experience opportunities, you must first be a student enrolled on an eligible MSc programme.

The KU Careers and Employability Centre will help you to complete your CV and covering letter, so that you can make your best application for the scheme. CVs and covering letters are reviewed by employers and students chosen for interview are supported to prepare by the Careers and Employability Centre.

Please email Lori Snyder for any general information you need about the professional experience scheme.

Course changes and regulations

The information on this page reflects the currently intended course structure and module details. To improve your student experience and the quality of your degree, we may review and change the material information of this course. Course changes explained.

Programme Specifications for the course are published ahead of each academic year.

Regulations governing this course can be found on our website.