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Outstanding Ofsted for Kingston University Nursery

Posted Friday 26 August 2011

Youngsters at Kingston University Nursery celebrate their outstanding report. Youngsters, parents and staff at Kingston University's Nursery are celebrating after being given an outstanding Ofsted report. The grading by the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills places the Portland Road nursery in the top 10 per cent of early years' settings in the United Kingdom. The nursery is also one of only five nurseries and preschools in Kingston borough to hold the accolade.

Nursery manager Suzanne McDiarmid said the outstanding judgement went across all areas covered by the inspection. "We are all extremely proud of this fantastic result - it makes all the hard work worth it," she said. "It's great to have what we do recognised and applauded in this way. I think what makes the difference is our staff who have so many years of experience and total dedication. To us, it's not just a job!"

Nursery manager Suzanne McDiarmid said the outstanding award was down to the experience and dedication of her team.The education regulator's report found children attending the nursery "exuded happiness" and "demonstrated an immensely strong sense of belonging and emotional security" in the nursery. Staff were also praised for their dedication and experience. Ofsted inspector Amanda Tyson said children attending the nursery received exemplary standards of care and education from extremely experienced staff. "Children's levels of independence, creativity and critical thinking skills are inspirational and fundamental to the outstanding progress they make," she said. "Highly effective partnerships between providers, parents and other agencies ensure that children's individual needs are fully understood, supported and safeguarded."

Parents said they were pleased but not surprised with the result. "We are proud that our children are part of this nursery," Mona Sabetian Khaira said. "It's a real honour." Graham Mahon added: "Outstanding is a truly accurate assessment of the level of childcare at the nursery."

The nursery provides part-time and full-time subsidised childcare for children of students and staff at the University as well as non-subsidised care to the general public.

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