Economics alumnus Simon Owen, CEO of Deloitte AG Switzerland, shares his insight on implementing change within business as part of Strategy into Practice lecture series

Posted Wednesday 13 December 2017

In a record breaking show of attendance, over 200 students and staff joined Economics alumnus Simon Owen as he shared his inside knowledge on implementing change within a business, offering that experience and insight on how to manage and adapt in an evolving business world.

Returning to campus for Kingston Business School's Strategy into Practice series, Simon shared his experience in business process and change. The lecture highlighted the building market forces and the number of threats and challenges facing the business. The session focused on discussing the initiatives Simon applied as CEO to bring about change, highlighting the mistakes made, and providing insights on implementing change in a conservative environment.

Simon, who graduated with a BA in Economics from Kingston University in 1990, is a CEO at Deloitte Switzerland with considerable experience in business process and change, regulation, risk, counter fraud and information security. While a Kingston alumnus, he also holds a postgraduate degree in Computer Security from Royal Holloway and an MBA from Warwick.

He has represented Deloitte at the ICAEW's Technical Committee and been a member of the IAAC's Management Committee. Simon's specialist industry is in Financial Services and he has spent the last three years working within the Life Sciences industry. Current and past clients include Novartis, Barclays, HSBC, FCA, BP, Shell, World Economic Forum, United Nations and the UK Government. He is an advocate of Deloitte diversity programme working with a number of private organisations in Switzerland and resides on the advisory committee for Women in Leadership within Switzerland.

After the lecture, guests were given the chance to ask questions and share ideas with Simon, as well as each other during our networking hour.

The Strategy into Practice series at Kingston University is generously supported by Santander Universities.

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