Posted Wednesday 26 July 2017
Mabinty Sesay has always wanted a career that makes a difference, and with her father's encouragement and a little help from Clearing she's set to make that dream a reality.
The 19 year old student from Streatham didn't include university in her original plans – she initially intended just to finish college and go straight into work. It was her father who, knowing her potential, suggested a career in nursing. "He saw that I was very enthusiastic about helping people and providing compassionate care," she explained. "He said he just knew it made sense for me to apply."
Mabinty's plans lost momentum when her grandfather sadly passed away, but after some soul-searching and speaking to family she eventually discovered newfound motivation. "My grandfather was my best friend. I realised that he would want me to move on and be happy again and nursing was the only career that I could see myself being happy in," she explained. "I know what it feels like to lose someone you love most and I will use my skills and knowledge to provide high quality care to patients."
A glowing review of Kingston University from her sister, who had attended an interview on campus, prompted her to apply. She wasn't sure whether she'd be able to attend university with her qualifications, but she found the Clearing Hotline extremely helpful in reassuring her and putting her fears to rest. "The person I spoke to was really nice – he booked me in for an interview and an English and Maths test," she said. From there, things only got better. "I loved Kingston University when I visited and it particularly appealed to me that nursing was taught all together at the Kingston Hill campus because it felt like a great community," she added.
After a successful application, Mabinty began her adult nursing degree course last year. She praised the support provided by lecturers and said she had easily settled into university life. "I haven't experienced any setbacks since starting at Kingston University – everyone on the course is there to help and the lecturers are very encouraging," she said.
A promising start to the course has nurtured Mabinty's passion for the profession. Her favourite part of nursing is the practical side. "We get to go to hospitals and experience life as a nurse. Patients treat us just as the other nurses – when they ask for help it feels really amazing," she said.
Mabinty's advice for anyone thinking of applying to Kingston University through Clearing is simple. "Apply. There's no risk. Kingston University recognises that there's more to a person than just their grades – they can see your potential," she said.
Senior lecturer Anne Ambridge agrees that personal qualities are an important factor when considering Clearing applications. "Part of being a nurse is about having a desire to provide outstanding care with compassion and expertise, so while qualifications are important, we interview applicants to get a sense of their personal qualities and motivations," she said. "Clearing is an opportunity for people from all walks of life to begin a career in healthcare and each one of them brings with them their own experiences and talents. It's what makes nursing at Kingston University so exciting."
28 February 2025