Clearing keeps twin brothers' Kingston University business degree ambitions on track

Posted Friday 7 August 2015

Clearing has proved to be just the business for twin brothers Damiano and Davide Laganà, 19, who are flying high after completing the first year of their management degrees at Kingston University. It's all a far cry from this time last year when the two star students - who have both secured top marks for their coursework - had just missed the grades they needed for their first degree preferences.

"We had originally chosen courses at different universities but when we realised we would need to go through the Clearing process we decided to try and find places at the same university and course so that we would be able to support each other," Davide explained.

The brothers, who are from Milan in Italy, both studied business for their International Baccalaureate diplomas. As well as achieving similar grades, they were certain that they wanted to go on to do degrees in the subject in the United Kingdom where they felt they would be offered quality teaching that would provide the ideal foundation for a business career. "We decided to call Kingston's Clearing hotline as the University's business management degree offered all the elements we had been looking for," Davide said. "We rang separately, though, because it was important for us to individually secure places for ourselves on the course," his twin, Damiano, added.

Damiano and Davide believe that students searching for a degree spot through Clearing should only choose a subject they are passionate about if they are going to have the motivation to succeed. "When I was studying for my baccalaureate diploma business management was the only topic that I was really interested in and I've always been fascinated by business," Davide said.

Damiano was quick to agree. "The world nowadays is all about business, so I had already decided this subject was the only one for me," he said. "We had to make quite a few calls, though, so I'd advise people to set aside plenty of time if they are looking for a place in Clearing."

The Kingston Clearing hotline operators had given them lots of great advice and they had been thrilled to be offered spaces on the BA (Hons) Business Management course, Davide said. "It probably did take a bit longer for us to organise everything because of the language difference but we got there in the end," he added. "Anyone who is determined enough, knows what they want to do and is prepared to do the legwork can find themselves the perfect degree place."

Damiano believes that going through Clearing stood him in good stead for his chosen future career. "If you really want something in the world of business, you have to fight for it," he explained. "My aim is to set up a company one day and for that I needed to acquire management skills so Clearing was the best option to accomplish that."

Although the brothers had previously studied at schools in Malta and Libya, relocating to UK in pursuit of their degree goals has not been without sacrifice. "When I was applying I had to face the fact that I would not see my parents, my girlfriend or my best friends for several months at a time," Davide said. "It was a huge decision to take but I'd say that navigating our way through Clearing was character-building and our friends and family will always be there waiting for our return."

The twins have thrived since enrolling at the University, with both of them regularly achieving high grades. "Although we help each other a lot we do sometimes compete for the top marks," Davide admitted. "We always try to achieve the best possible grades anyway, though, which is how I think it should be."

Both brothers were lucky enough to find accommodation in the same University hall of residence and said that, as well as living in close proximity to each other, the Kingston course had enabled them to carry on sharing many experiences. "We do activities together if possible and we also like to have the same group of friends," Davide said. "It has always been that way for us."

Looking ahead, the brothers are already planning to work together. "My future dream is to run a company with my brother and we've already started coming up with ideas for a business," Davide confirmed. "Clearing has given us the best opportunity to realise that goal."

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