Posted Thursday 10 July 2014
Students who were not currently in KUSU sports clubs or members of the Fitness Centre were posed one simple question: What social sporting opportunities could the University provide that would encourage you to participate?
Over 700 students responded with individual sports featuring most prominently. The application has initially centred on the top five sports polled, namely, badminton, basketball, running, swimming and table tennis.
Of course, sporting fashions tend to vary, there is a natural churn to the student population, and the teaching day, week or year maybe very different in the future. The Active Lifestyles programme will continue to adapt to change, and it may look very different in the future.
The Sport England award enables a number of students to be employed as "Activators" to champion each new recreational activity. They will promote their specific sport, monitor participation and feedback, and if necessary soothe potential participants concerns.
The Sports & Active Lifestyles service is currently sourcing instructors, facilities and student activators – with a full programme of activity being ready for the start of term.
There are clear themes emerging, for example, swimming lessons for non-swimmers/ improvers, table tennis tables in some halls of residence, a beginner running group on a Monday evening and improvers on a Wednesday evening.
Staff are welcome to access all these activities. The new provision will dovetail into the existing active lifestyle programme, and all the sessions are free of charge.
30 August 2024