Postgraduate alumni needed

Posted Monday 14 April 2014

KU Talent (the careers and employability team) is keen to connect with alumni from masters programmes who have gained professional experience since graduating, and are happy to share their experiences of the working world with current students.

If you graduated from Kingston University with a masters qualification, take part in an upcoming event for our current masters students.

The Postgraduate Career Development Summit, is taking place on Saturday 31 May, 10.00am – 2.00pm. The event includes workshops for current masters students who are planning their next career steps, and would benefit from the knowledge and first-hand experience of alumni who have been through a similar experience of considering career options and finding employment. The workshop topics covered will include: securing a promotion and getting a better deal, job search strategy, international career options and setting up a successful enterprise. The event will be aimed at all postgraduate and PhD students across all subjects and disciplines. We would like alumnus guests to take part in the workshops, to share their own experiences to help inspire current students.

Should you be interested, please let KU Talent know a little bit more about your professional background and which workshop(s) you would be happy to support. It would be great to welcome you back to Kingston to enjoy informal networking, knowledge sharing and afternoon tea! Expressions of interest to: Sarah Bohn

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