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Kingston University's Policy on SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)

Release date: 25/04/03

Kingston University's Policy on SARS
(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)

In the light of the serious nature of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), the University has taken advice from the Public Health Laboratory Services (PHLS) and the local Consultant in Communicable Disease Control.

The University wishes to ensure that all staff and students are fully aware of the SARS situation. It is important to keep the risk in proportion: at the date of writing, the number of "probable" cases of SARS in the UK (as reported to the Health Protection Agency Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre) remains at 6, with no deaths and only one patient reported as still being in hospital.

The symptoms of SARS are described on the PHLS Website

Anyone who is concerned or has reason to believe that they may be suffering from SARS is asked to telephone their doctor or the NHS Direct Help Line on 0845 464 748 for advice.

The University is following current UK policy and specific advice to educational institutions with large numbers of overseas students, issued by the Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS). In particular, the PHLS states that: 'If they are symptom free, students returning from SARS affected areas are not a risk to others. Students who are well should be allowed to continue their schooling as normal.'

Thus the University has taken no special measures with regard to students returning from affected areas. We believe that all sensible precautions are being undertaken and will continue to monitor the situation daily, taking account of national advice, and will update staff and students if any changes are needed.



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