Our experienced money advisers can help you with all student money matters, including claiming benefits and managing debt.
We offer one-to-one confidential appointments to discuss budget plans and money worries as well as drop-in, email and phone information and advice services.
Our services include:
We can be contacted via the Information Centre or by email to studentfunding@kingston.ac.uk.
Student Funds are able to give information on student maintenance loans and grants. They also deal with applications to the various University discretionary hardship funds and the Kingston University Bursary. They handle all applications for Federal Student Aid for students from the USA who study at Kingston.
We can be contacted via the Information Centre or by email to bursaries@kingston.ac.uk.
Student Life, Health and Wellbeing Team
Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 7315
Email us
Student Life, Health and Wellbeing Team
Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 7315
Email us