Take plenty of time to decide exactly what you would like to study and at which university.
Which course?
When you're deciding which course to study, think about:
- what you enjoy and are good at – this is what you'll be happiest and most successful studying;
- the content of the course – this can differ between universities;
- the teaching methods – decide whether exams, continuous assessment or project work best suit you;
- study choices – if you want to study on a foundation programme or an undergraduate degree; and
- how it will help your future career – look out for workplace skills, work placements or time abroad.
Look at our list of undergraduate courses to decide which is right for you.
Which university?
When you're deciding which university to choose, think about:
- location – do you prefer to be in the city or the countryside?
- the cost of living – find a location that suits your budget.
- teaching quality – find a university which has a good teaching record in your chosen field; and
- graduate employment figures – find a university with a good track record in your chosen field; and
- student services – a good international student support structure will make your university experience more enjoyable.