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What our students from China say

Name: Ren Pengyuan
Course: Film Making MA

Ren Pengyuan"I am Ren Pengyuan. I obtained a bachelor degree from Beijing Film Academy, and then attended the Film Making MA course at Kingston University from 2008–09. I am now the director of China Film Group.

"During the year I stayed in Kingston, I not only acquired precious knowledge of my area of expertise, but also the most valuable life experiences. Kingston is a university that attaches great importance to the combination of theory and practice. During the year of studying films, we made films with our own hands as well as spending time in the classroom studying film theories, which made me the owner of nine films by the time I graduated.

"It is a tough period for those who leave home and study abroad, especially now that most Chinese students are the only child in the family and the hardship of living independently in a foreign land can never be experienced in China. However, I believe it is exactly this kind of hardship that tempers one's will and improves one's problem-solving skills.

"During the period I stayed in Kingston, I have not only received knowledge and education, but also made friends who are sincere and willing to help each other. I can still clearly recall walking on the Hampton Park's lawn, viewing London at night from the London Eye, and having snacks in Chinatown for a taste of home with a dozen close friends. Kingston has really given me a lot!"

Name: Tan Tian
Course: Fine Art BA

Tan Tian"I attended the Art and Foundation Course in Kingston last year and I am now taking an undergraduate course in fine art at Kingston. During my two years in Kingston, I have learned a lot of things, including many fresh art concepts not available in China. I have made many friends here and we care for each other and help each other. The teachers are also very friendly to me, though I am not good at English. They always hear me out patiently and offer me more guidance. Kingston is a very beautiful and safe town which is very suitable for living and studying. I am very happy living here."

Name: Li Zelin
Course: Business Management PhD

Li Zelin"I have obtained a PhD in Public Administration from the Business School at Kingston University and I was the chairman of the Chinese Students and Scholars Association in UK (CSSA UK) in 2008. Under the guidance of the embassy, CSSA is composed of more than 80 local CSSA member units in UK. Kingston University also has its own CSSA, where we are taking care of and encouraging each other and making progress together.

"Located in the area surrounding central London, Kingston is well known for its beautiful scenery, convenient transportation and good public order and security. There are many international students in Kingston University which will enable you to make friends from all over the world, broaden your horizons and improve your various capacities in addition to study."

Name: Zhu Jia
Course: Graphic Design MA

Zhu Jia"I think my experience in UK is very memorable. I was lucky enough to meet my tutor Stuart and he encouraged me all the time to turn my rough ideas into more solid concepts thus making them more reliable. Without his guidance, I do not think I would have made my first solo exhibition happen in London Cork Street, which was also a great success for myself by winning lots of media coverage. Another kind mentor to remember is Ms Leo Duff. Although she did not teach me directly, whenever I had any questions or problems, she was always there.

"The profile from Kingston, as well as the influence from my solo exhibition, won me a great opportunity to work full-time in London for a local advertising agent for two years. I was assistant to the art director and was involved in many brands' TV storyboard design and copy writing, such as Johnson & Johnson etc.

"Then an unexpected great opportunity arose from the British Council London, as a project manager for the Sound and City project, which aims to bring British contemporary music into China. So I returned to Shanghai in 2006, and worked in the Culture and Education Section of British Council Shanghai for varied art projects. Now I am working in the international participation department of the Bureau of World Expo 2010, which I think it a big challenge in my career."

Name: Song Yi
Course: International Finance MSc

Song Yi"I have had a wonderful time at Kingston Business School, which has also been the most memorable time of my life. I have gained a lot of knowledge of the financial area and how to properly deal with research work in commercial activities. In particular, I remember the beautiful Kingston Hill campus which is like an oasis of tranquillity away from the bustle of central London.

"Kingston Business School's staff are very friendly and easy to get along wit. They have provided a huge help with my study at Kingston. Studying in Kingston has also enabled me to make friends from all over the world. I firmly believe that I have accumulated abundant experience in Kingston and the most important result is that it has enhanced my confidence in my own abilities. I would recommend Kingston Business School to anyone!"

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