Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

What is Multi-Factor Authentication?

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is an enhanced approach to securing access to digital services, requiring more than a simple username and password as proof of identity. Many online service organisations such as banks now use MFA to minimise the possibility of unauthorised access to customer accounts.

How will this affect you and the way you work?

The University is applying MFA to Office 365; Box; Canvas; My Desktop Anywhere, StaffSpace and My Kingston.

This means that when accessing any of these applications offsite (not on the network) you will be required to authenticate your KU ID.

To sign up to MFA please register your details here.

Options for using MFA

  • You can use the Authenticator app by downloading it. This will enable you to generate a PIN. The device you are logging into will automatically grant access.
  • You can authenticate by providing a mobile number. A 4-digit PIN will be sent to the phone. You can then enter the PIN on the laptop or device you are working from. Access will be granted.
  • You can authenticate by providing a landline number (this will only affect you if you are working offsite). You will be asked to press the # key and then be granted access.

Instructions for the method you choose are given below.

Instructions on accessing and using MFA

Using MFA via the Authenticator app

Using MFA via mobile or landline

Using MFA once you have set up a method of authentication