Freedom of Information (FOI)

You have the right to request information held by public authorities, as set out in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

On this page you will find the Publication Scheme for Kingston University. It contains links to key areas of content that you may want to explore. You can also view our Freedom of Information Policy under information regulations in the policies and regulations section of our website. If you need additional information, please get in touch.

Publication Scheme

Welcome to Kingston University's Freedom of Information Publication Scheme – developed in accordance with the ICO's Definition document for universities and other higher education institutions (PDF).

The links below will help you find key information relating to Kingston University. Please contact the FOI team if you have any comments or queries about the Publication Scheme.

Who we are and what we do

The services we offer

What we spend

What our priorities are

How we make decisions

Policies and regulations

Lists and registers

CCTV cameras in use

Need additional information?

You can request to receive information not covered in the Publication Scheme, but we are only able to provide records that we hold.

We aim to respond within 20 working days.

Submit an information request


Fees guidance



Contact us

Please get in touch if you have queries relating to freedom of information requests – we are here to help.