How to apply for an MPhil/PhD in Philosophy

CRMEP welcomes applications from research students in any field that falls within its remit.

Admission criteria

Applicants should normally have obtained a good result (merit or distinction, or the equivalent) in an MA programme in philosophy or a related subject. Consideration is also given to applicants with other kinds of qualifications on an individual basis.

Application process

Potential applicants should first contact the member of staff whom they would like to consider as their Director of Studies, for preliminary discussion of their research plans. They should then send a copy of their CV and a draft research proposal to that member of staff, copied to the philosophy Research Degrees Coordinator, Professor Peter Osborne:

The proposal should have the following format:

  1. Title of proposed research
    Your title should itself serve as a summary of your project, and should identify the main problem and material on which you plan to work.
  2. Research context/state of the field
    What is the philosophical or theoretical context of the proposed research? What is the relation of the proposed research to the existing literature on the topic? How is the proposed research positioned in relation to the most important current debates in the relevant field(s)?
  3. Research questions/problems
    What are the philosophical or theoretical problems that the research will investigate? Why is it important that these questions/problems be investigated?
  4. Proposed research
    How will the proposed research address the research questions/problems? How will the proposed research make an original contribution to the relevant field(s)? (Along with section 3, this is the most important section).
  5. Research plan
    Give an outline of the initial plan for the proposed research, for example a chapter-by-chapter breakdown of the proposed plan of study. (The initial plan is indicative, not prescriptive). This plan should take into account the timeframe within which the research degree should be completed (three or four years' of full-time study, or six years part time).
  6. Indicative bibliography
    This should comprise a concise selection of your main primary texts and a selection of secondary texts, as well as other sources and resources where appropriate.
  7. Institutional rationale
    Briefly explain why the CRMEP is the best place for you to undertake the proposed research. This section may include your reasons for wishing to work with a particular supervisor.
  8. Personal statement
    Briefly explain how your previous study, or your academic or professional background, has prepared you to undertake the proposed research. If your draft proposal is accepted, you will be asked to come to the Penrhyn Road campus for an interview, and to meet current students and staff. We rely on Skype (or, exceptionally, telephone) interviews for some international applicants. Applicants who are able to come to the campus are encouraged to time their visit to coincide with one of our research seminars; these provide a good opportunity to meet other students and staff, and to get a general feel for the place. After informal interview, applicants may be invited to complete the online application process.

CRMEP research degrees