Urgent and Emergency Health Care and Workforce Research Group

About the Group

We work closely with research and clinical partners in the NHS (particularly St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the London Ambulance Service NHS Trust) and collaborators in partner universities.

Our research spans clinical, organisational and systems-level research using a range of methodologies in multiple health service contexts with a multidisciplinary approach.

Our portfolio includes collaboration on mixed methods studies on topics such as data sharing across organisational boundaries within emergency care and the impact of new professional roles in urgent and emergency department care, and qualitative research into definitions of professionalism in the ambulance service. Our members additionally carry out research on clinical topics of importance in the urgent and emergency care field.

We are keen to help develop the next generation of research leaders and particularly welcome applicants for pre-doctoral fellowships and PhD.

Contact us

Dr Mary Halter


Leadership team

Internal members

External members

Patient and public involvement

Visiting international researchers

Publications and books

Research students


Implementation of the non-medical practitioner workforce into the urgent and emergency care system skill-mix in England: a mixed methods study of configurations and impact.

Knowledge, attitudes and practices of UK paramedics regarding pharmacology and the legal, management and administration aspects of medicines: a cross-sectional online quantitative survey

What TRIage model is safest and most effective for the Management of 999 callers with suspected COVID-19? A linked outcome study (TRIM)

Personal protective equipment and intensive care unit healthcare worker safety in the COVID-19 era (PPE-SAFE): An international survey

Use and impact of the pre-hospital 12-lead electrocardiogram in the primary PCI era. Mixed method study (PHECG-2)

HTA Randomised, placebo controlled trial of adrenaline for out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA)

‘Health boxing' game development and initial evaluation of the physiological effects of an innovative rehabilitation tool for healthy ageing

Experiences of visitors to a regional major trauma intensive care unit

Testing a lay responder pathway to head injuries

Department of Health Policy Research Programme. Improving Cardiac Arrest Recognition and Effectiveness (ICARE)

Why do outcomes of hospitalised patients with first out of hospital cardiac arrest from Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) vary in England and Wales?

Screening for Carbon Monoxide Exposure in Emergency Departments

Faculty of Health, Science, Social Care and Education