DBS and Occupational Health 2024


This page contains instructions for completing your DBS and Occupational Health checks before starting your course.

  • DBS check
  • DBS Update Service Registration
  • Occupational Health clearance

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

All successful candidates for Initial Teacher Training courses are required to undergo an enhanced police check through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to verify that they are safe to work with children.

You will be receiving an email shortly from Know Your People, the company Kingston University is using to manage online DBS applications. It is important that you look out for this email and follow the steps below with regard to completing your application.

The University will bear the processing cost of your DBS application; however you may need to pay a small fee to the Post Office for the verification service (if you are using the Post Office to verify your documents) and an additional £13 per year for the Update Service.

If you already hold a "Child Workforce" Enhanced DBS certificate and have subscribed to the Update Service, you do not need to do another one but will need to complete and submit The Update Service form (see The Update Service tab for more information).

What you need to do next

  1. Look out for the email from Know Your People containing your username and password and use the details to register your account.
  2. Complete and submit your DBS application using your personal documents to confirm your identify and address.
  3. You will be asked if you wish to use a digital app or go to the Post Office to verify your identification documents. If you choose to go to the Post Office, print the ID Verification Sheet (containing a unique barcode for each document) and take this with your documents (originals only) to a Post Office who offer the ID verification service. To find one nearest to you, go to http://www.postoffice.co.uk/branch-finder. You will need to pay a small charge for the Post Office Verification.
  4. Regularly check your account to keep track of your application.
  5. Subscribe to The Update Service so we can undertake a current online check on your DBS certificate during your studies. This can be done as soon you apply or within 19 days from the date your certificate is issued.
  6. Complete and submit The Update Service form by 26 July 2024.
  7. Only one copy of the Disclosure Certificate is produced by the DBS and this is sent to you at the address you give as your current address on the DBS application form. Please ensure that you bring the certificate with you to the Enrolment and Induction session in September and keep it in a safe place for the entirety of your course.

It is essential that you obtain satisfactory clearance prior to enrolment on the course and as Disclosures can often take months to process, you must take quick action to avoid any delays.

School experience begins very early on in the course and only students who have been DBS & Occupational Health cleared will be permitted to go into schools.

You must contact us immediately if you encounter any issues concerning your application at education@kingston.ac.uk.

DBS important information

Background information

Declaring relevant information

Prohibition Order List

Time spent overseas and/or travelling

DBS Checklist

Registration for the DBS Update Service

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Update Service allows student teachers to keep their DBS certificate up-to-date. We strongly encourage our student teachers of Kingston University to subscribe to The Update Service for the duration of their studies so that a current online check can be undertaken by the University.

There is an annual charge of £13 which is payable directly to the DBS. By subscribing to The Update Service you will be able to share the information on your DBS certificate with other Registered Bodies. This will save you time and money. In addition, if you decide to take a break from your studies during your course you will not be required to complete a new DBS form when you return, as long as you return to the course within three years of the date on your original DBS disclosure.

Kingston University will NOT receive a copy of your Enhanced Disclosure Certificate. Therefore you must bring your certificate to the enrolment session in September.

You can subscribe to the service as soon as you make your online DBS application or within 19 days from the date your certificate is issued. Subscribing online is quick and simple. Just enter your DBS application form number, name, date of birth and address and pay the subscription fee securely from your account. When your subscription is confirmed you then start to see the benefits of this new service.

How to subscribe to the Update Service

Occupational Health

As you will be aware, one of the conditions on your offer is that you have a satisfactory medical clearance before you start your teacher-training course. We need to establish if you have any specific needs so we can ensure necessary support is put in place enabling you to manage your studies effectively from the start.

Kingston University uses the PAM OH Solutions service to assess students' suitability and determine whether they are medically fit to teach when on school placements.

We will be entering your contact details on the PAM OH Solutions database in July 2024 and will email you soon, requesting that you complete your online medical questionnaire.

It is important that you do this without delay so that you can receive clearance and to prevent your PAM account being disabled. Your account will time-out after a few days if the questionnaire is not completed, so we do encourage you to do this as soon as you receive our email. The good news is that it does not take a long time to complete.