Business internships programme

Leading the way in student employability

At Kingston Business School, we are aware of the growing need for graduates to be equipped with the necessary skills to be able to hit the ground running in the workplace.

With an embedded Business Readiness programme and an internship scheme dedicated to enhance our students' transition from university to the world of work, we are leading the way in student employability. By engaging in an internship, students learn to apply their academic learning to real-world organisations.

An internship is an opportunity offered by an employer to students, called interns, to work at a firm. This will give the student practical skills, workplace experience and greater knowledge of that industry. In exchange, the employer benefits from the labour.

Take part in a pioneering programme

Would you like to change lives via this innovative internship scheme by helping prepare students for the world of work? We are always looking for more organisations to take part in this pioneering programme and invite you to offer a business student a valuable experience in your company.

Bringing fresh ideas, enthusiasm and a willingness to learn, students have proven themselves to be a significant asset to organisations that participate in the scheme.

Read more below to see how your company could benefit from hosting a Kingston Business School student.

Advantages for your organisation

By joining our internship programme you will:   

  • Gain professionally skilled workers: We have collaborated with industry panels of experts and employers to develop the Navigate Programme as part of the core curriculum of our degrees. This is to ensure our students are skilled and able to "hit the ground running" when entering the workplace. Throughout their studies, students receive intensive skills training and career development support from dedicated careers tutors and coaches, professional trainers and practitioners.
  • Gain workers who are prepared: Our students will be ready to apply their practical learning and critical understanding to the real world of work.
  • Gain workers who are enthusiastic: Our students will bring their skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to their internships and be eager to work in roles that complement their degrees.
  • Gain workers from diverse backgrounds to boost diversity and innovation in the workplace: Kingston Business School students come from a wide range of backgrounds and countries, fully reflecting the society in which your organisation operates.
  • Gain potential future employees:  You will gain access to talented, experienced and trained potential employees, to help you develop your talent pipeline early.
Advantages for your organisation

Keys to internship success


Set goals

Setting internship goals, resulting in outcomes that meet the needs of the intern and the employer.

Establish expectations

Establishing objectives and clarifying day-to-day activities will assist in meeting specific learning goals while supporting the needs of the organisation.

Create challenges

Engaging interns in mutually beneficial challenges involving realistic tasks or projects will help them fulfil your requirements.

Plan an induction

Undertake a formative introduction to your organisation. This should include: tour of the work environment; meeting key members of staff; an overview of corporate technology and software platforms; health and safety induction; identification of a mentor who should undertake a skills audit and identify any additional training needs.

Identify a mentor

The intern's mentor (line manager) has a key role in training the intern, creating motivation, setting leadership boundaries and delegating tasks. They will also act as a central point of communication throughout the internship.

Criteria and process

The following points are important to consider when thinking of hosting an intern at your place of work.

  • Internships should last a minimum of ten weeks (can be longer) and be 30 to 40 hours per week.
  • Internships should be relevant to degree, i.e. not just photocopying.
  • Ideally, internships should be offered at National Minimum Wage or London Living Wage. Students should be paid through PAYE.
  • Employers are required to have public liability and employers' liability insurance in line with UK industry standards.
  • Students will be assessed on their performance during their internship. As part of this, you will be asked to provide feedback to the University.

Once you've established you are in the position to recruit an intern you can start the process.

Advertise your vacancy with us from December onwards. In January and February, applications are reviewed. In March is the interview process. In April we confirm offers. The successful student starts work experience with you in May.

Step one: finding an intern

When you are ready to advertise an internship, we will ask you for a job advert and description. The Placements Team will upload this to our system for students to apply. You can have as much or as little to do with the selection process as you like. Students can send their applications directly to you, or the Placements Team can shortlist a selection of the most suitable candidates for interview. As an internship provider, you will always have the final say on the students chosen.

Step two: complete the required documents

Complete the required health and safety documents and Host Agreement Form.

Step three: the internship

An internship is the most important factor in shaping young students' perceptions and expectations of the world of work. It helps them to learn about a particular occupation, gain valuable personal skills such as independence and team work, and to understand the expectations of employers.

As an employer you have the opportunity to help shape the future workforce and give your employees the chance to develop their supervisory skills. Getting involved in work experience shows your company is committed to helping the community.

Frequently-asked questions

Should internships be paid?

Wherever possible, we ask that internships offered to our students are paid at the National Minimum Wage or the London Living Wage.

Which business degree courses are included?

Our degrees in business-related disciplines challenge our students' thinking and develop advanced knowledge and analytical skills to succeed in business. Internship students come from the following undergraduate courses:

What makes Kingston Business School's programmes different from other courses?

Kingston Business School's new degree courses combine:

  • A work internship of a minimum of ten weeks (or longer over the summer period)
  • A pathway towards professional qualifications
  • The Navigate Programme, enabling students to be prepared for the world of work.

This is alongside academic studies and all in just three years.

What is the Navigate Programme?

Kingston Business School responded to the concern from employers that graduates are not fully prepared when entering the world of work, and lack practical skills. Following a significant amount of market research, we've designed degree courses that properly meet the demands of business and are committed to giving our students the best possible start to their careers by incorporating real work experience and a professional qualification.

What kinds of organisations provide internships to our students?

Kingston Business School has a wealth of contacts and excellent relationships with a wide range of companies from global multinationals to small cutting-edge enterprises as well as public sector organisations. 

We have helped our students secure internships across different sectors through providing a comprehensive and completely free consultancy service to internship hosts, analysing their business needs and helping them find the perfect fit for their internship opportunities.

What advantages will I gain from giving a student an internship?

By agreeing to become an internship provider, you will benefit from a hard-working, energetic student who has been prepared both academically and practically for the workplace and who is keen to learn and put their skills into practice. Students will have an active interest in your organisation's areas of work, and will have knowledge gained from our courses that is up-to-date and reflects the latest changes in business and industry. Our students are from a variety of backgrounds and countries, offering a range of perspectives that reflect the society in which many organisations operate.

How will I know that the student is ready to take an internship with my organisation?

Through our Business Readiness Programme, we ensure students are ready for their internships. The programme consists of a wide range of skills training, meeting the practical needs of the workplace. This skills learning begins as soon as students start their degree. Students are required to attend and pass assessments on this Business Readiness Programme before they are allowed to start an internship.

To ensure the intern is a perfect fit with your organisation we also encourage organisations to follow their own recruitment process as standard procedure.

How do I know the student will be suitable for my organisation?

When you are ready to advertise an internship, we will ask you for a job description and a job advert that the Placements Team will upload to our system. The students will then be able to log in and apply for any roles they are interested in.

You can have as much or as little to do with the selection process as suits you. Students can send their applications directly to you or The Placement Team can shortlist a selection of the most suitable candidates for interview.  As an internship provider, you will always have the final say on the students chosen.

What types of careers are business students interested in once they graduate?

You will find our business students to be hard working, focused and ambitious. They have chosen their degrees because they realise the career advantages they will gain from these more intensive programmes.

Accounting and finance graduates can expect to join an accounting firm or accounting department in the private or public sector.

Business management graduates secure positions such as a finance officer, marketing manager, HR administrator or personal banker and adviser. Our international business graduates find employment in similar roles, but usually overseas or in international companies based in the UK. 

Marketing and advertising graduates typically seek a career in advertising and communications in marketing departments or marketing communications agencies. They aspire to reach senior leadership and decision-making positions.