As a Kingston Business School graduate, we welcome you to the Kingston University Alumni Association.
Although once you graduate you will physically leave the University, emotionally there will always be a connection. We want to support you, not just during your studies, but also throughout your career after graduating.
From exclusive industry insights and inspirational stories to events, special activities and guest lectures from professionals in their field, being an engaged part of the alumni community is a fast-track way to not only continue your learning but enhance the learning of our current students.
If you'd like to get involved and give back in any of the following ways, please do get in touch via
The strength of our alumni network depends to a large extent on our having an accurate record of your current contact details.
Please send us an email, with your latest contact details and employment information, to and we'll update your contact details for you.
You can also keep connected by following the Kingston Business School on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, as well as the Kingston University LinkedIn.