SBRC postgraduate opportunities

Study for MPhil or PhD

The Small Business Research Centre (SBRC) welcome enquiries from students interested in postgraduate study for MPhil or PhD in all aspects of entrepreneurship and small business. Enquiries should be directed to Professor Robert Blackburn, Director, SBRC.

Current research themes

The projects listed below are our proposed topic areas for supervision of prospective research students in the SBRC. These are not meant to be exhaustive and we are open to receiving high-quality applications. The topics are outlines and should be developed by prospective students. Candidates are invited to discuss the project they are interested in with the proposed supervisor.

Business exits/transfer/closure

Business incubators/accelerators and the entrepreneurial ecosystem: Fundraising sources, income generation strategies and the role of public support

Creative entrepreneurship

Cryptocurrencies and the role of Initial Coin Offering in the entrepreneurial process

Disability and entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs disengagement and exit

Entrepreneurial behaviour (psychology; sociological; approaches)

Entrepreneurial exit

Entrepreneurial personality

Entrepreneurship and climate change resilience

How home-workers integrate the social practices of work with those of home

Impacts of entrepreneurship on well-being and mental health

Intellectual property rights and SMEs

Internationalisation; SME exports; Born globals

Institutions and entrepreneurship in different contexts

Organisational creativity, storytelling and metaphors

Policy development for SMEs

Responsible innovation in SMEs

Self-employment and well-being

Small businesses and environmental sustainability

The rise of impact investing: Factors and trends that lead to a fund's success

The role of Big Data in minimising information asymmetries in Venture Capital investments

Our research staff

Listed below are our research staff and their specialist area(s) of interest with respect to entrepreneurship and small business.

Professor Robert Blackburn

Professor David Smallbone

Professor Elizabeth Chell

Professor Audley Genus

Professor John Kitching

Professor Dirk De Clercq

Dr Tim Harries

Dr Marfuga Iskandarova

Dr Hang Do

Associate Members and Visiting Professors

Contact us

Prof Robert Blackburn
Associate Dean for Research
Kingston Business School