The SBRC research team is experienced in the use of qualitative and quantitative approaches, which are rigorously applied to investigations of small firms and entrepreneurship in a wide variety of contexts and in public policy evaluation. Our research portfolio includes both grant-based work, funded by bodies such as the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts (NESTA), and contract research for national and international organisations. The applied nature of our research is reflected in the range of organisations and companies that we work with, including government departments and clients from the private sector. More details about our work can be found on current research and completed projects pages.
We are regularly invited to contribute expert views on small business issues, by the media and organisations such as the Bank of England, the European Commission, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). The SBRC is embedded in a variety of international research networks, including the European Network for Social Research (ENSR). In addition, we have long-established co-operation with universities and research institutes in the USA, Australia, Japan, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia. Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, the Russian Federation and China.
SBRC staff are also actively involved on the Boards of international professional bodies, including the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB) and the International Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ICSB). We regularly conduct workshops and present papers at national and international conferences, including RENT, ICSB, Babson and ISBE.
The SBRC provides a vibrant environment for both experienced and early-stage researchers. Overseas academics come to work at the Centre for periods of up to a year to undertake collaborative research with our staff. In recent years, visiting academics have come from Japan, Australia, Poland and China. We are also engaged in supervising and examining students at doctorate level and welcome applications from prospective students.
For further information about the SBRC please contact Professor Audley Genus.
Professor Audley Genus
Director, Small Business Research Centre
Kingston Business School