Institute for Leadership and Management in Health

The Institute for Leadership and Management in Health (ILMH) challenges the boundaries of uncertainty and value in healthcare. ILMH links a variety of intellectual, human and technical assets to create value in health.

ILMH aims

We invest our intellectual capital in the development of innovative financial and econometric models entirely based on outcome data to support policy decisions.

Our research

The focus of recent and ongoing research includes:

  • Campaign supported by Professor Giampiero Favato's research has prompted HPV vaccination programme for UK boys.
  • Cost of illness studies: Cost-of-illness studies measure the economic burden of a disease or diseases and estimate the maximum amount that could potentially be saved or gained if a disease were to be eradicated.
  • Cost effectiveness analysis: Evaluation of "value for money" for innovative treatments.
  • Budget impact analysis: The purpose of a budget impact analysis is to estimate the financial consequences of adoption and diffusion of a new health care intervention within a specific health care setting or system context given inevitable resource constraints.
  • Real option valuation: Real options valuation applies derivative valuation techniques to capital budgeting decisions. A real option itself, is the right - but not the obligation to make an investment.
  • R&D parametric cost analysis: The application of parametric cost analysis to pharmaceutical development can help reduce the uncertainty and the degree of approximation of the cost estimates.
  • Modelling: Developing simulations, scenarios and demographic statistical models to anticipate the impact of novel treatments on health and economic outcomes.


Professor Giampiero Favato

Core members

Dr Andrea Marcellusi (Lecturer in Health Economics)
Dr Riccardo Vecchiato (Associate Professor of Strategy)
Dr Emmanouil Noikokyris (Associate Professor of Finance)
Dr Cristina Oliva (PhD student)
Gianluca Fabiano (PhD student)

Associate members
Dr Fatima Annan-Diab (Kingston Business School)

External members

Professor Francesco Mennini (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", University of Rome "La Sapienza")
Professor Massimo Pinzani (UCL, London)

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Contact us

Professor Giampiero Favato
Director, Institute for Leadership and Management in Health
Kingston Business School