Diversity and Inclusion Research Unit (DIRU)

The Diversity and Inclusion Research Unit (DIRU) brings together researchers with different methodological approaches and areas of expertise. The group comprises researchers who put emphasis on academic rigour and practical application, using qualitative and quantitative research strategies, and focusing on various facets of diversity (e.g. demographic diversity in terms of gender, ethnic background, and age as well as psychological diversity as reflected in personal values, attitudes, and self-perceptions). The researchers also look at a range of potential issues related to diversity in organisations, including career development and well-being.

DIRU Researchers

Dr Hans-Joachim Wolfram

Research interests: "Gender in Organisations" (GIO) research; occupational well-being; demographic and psychological diversity; social psychology perspectives within organisational settings (e.g. stereotyping).

Dr Anna Paolillo

Research interests: diversity and inclusion climates, especially their relationships with communication and safety at work; positive psychology and diversity management; occupational wellbeing.

Dr Niki Giatras

Research interests: employee health and wellbeing in the workplace.

Associate members

Dr Deborah Brewis

Research interests: (In)equalities, especially gender and sexual identity; diversity and inclusion in organisations, especially diversity practitioners.

Dr Mayra Ruiz Castro

Research interests: gender equality at work and at home; the relationship between gender attitudes, intra-household dynamics and organisational practices, and its effects on women's and men's personal lives; career advancement processes from an intersectional perspective, accounting for gender, class, race, and culture.

Dr Kenisha Linton

Research interests: human resource development (HRD); Workforce diversity, equality and inclusion; Intersectionality and identity at work; Transnational & Cross-cultural Management; BME student attainment gap.

Nona McDuff

Research interests: impact and organisational development; sector leadership; BME staff and student attainment; gender equality.

Sanjiv Sachdev

Research interests: minimum wage/low pay; internships and placements; employment implications of privatisation.

Dr Laura William

Research interests: disabled graduates in the UK; employee representation such as civil society organisations.