Welcome to the Pluralist Economics Research Group (PERG)

About PERG

PERG reflects the pluralist nature of economics at Kingston. It includes applied economics researchers, whose objective is to develop theoretical insights using state-of-the-art empirical techniques to analyse substantive applied economic issues with the objective of generating impact. It also includes researchers who put more emphasis on the fundamental importance of institutions and social conflict for the understanding of economic relationships and outcomes. PERG is committed to pluralism in economic research and provides a collaborative and inclusive research environment for its members to engage in intellectual debate and to exchange ideas.

The department's new Pluralist Economics Seminar Series was launched in April 2023 with the aim of promoting dialogue and cooperation across different economic approaches, and address important economics, political and societal issues. Seminars are held in hybrid form and you can view all discussion papers online.

Leading in research

Our research contributes to the Behaviour, Business and Policy KERI, the new university knowledge exchange research institute. It covers wide areas within and across the Department of Economics' four specialisation themes: from economic growth, technology, skills and development, to industrial, labour and international economics, banking and financial management, political economy, as well as environment and climate change research and aspects of wellbeing, behavioural and financial economics. Within Kingston, researchers in Economics collaborate with the Centre for Research on Communities, Identity and Difference (CResCID) and the Small Business Research Centre (SBRC). We also have an extensive collaborative network with other universities, research institutes and government departments (including NIESR, King's College London, LSE, ONS, BEIS and Hounslow council).

People in PERG

PERG is co-led by Professors Bill Dunn and Michela Vecchi. It comprises academic staff from the Department of Economics working collaboratively with colleagues in other research groups and departments in Kingston University, as well as with external partners and international stakeholders.

PERG associates

Funded projects

UK SME's response to a downturn in market conditions

Moving towards a Net-Zero transition: green skills, energy use and CO2 emissions.

Graduates' labour market outcomes in the UK

Ongoing projects

Foundations, traditions and controversies in political economy

Finance and financialisation

Inequality, neoliberalism and capitalism

Development economics

Skills, productivity and growth

The environment and stability

International economics

Methods in applied economics

Leading in research

Past seminars include:

  • Do house price boom crowd-out bank lending to SMEs? Evidence from the UK local authority level, Jalal Siddiki, Kingston University
  • Migration, Remittances and Gender Norms, Dimitrios Minos, King's College London
  • Have healthcare workers suffered the most during the COVID-19 pandemic? A study of the burnout effects on wellbeing, Shimaa Elkomy, University of Surrey
  • Consent and coercion in the thought of Antonio Gramsci, Rex McKenzie, Kingston University
  • Keynes and Marx, Bill Dunn, Kingston University
  • New trends in firm level Total Factor Productivity in the UK: new measures, new puzzles, Ioannis Bournakis, SKEMA Business School
  • Distributional effects of immigration and imperfect labour markets, Simon Lodato, Middlesex University
  • Project Aid and Firm Performance, Saumik Paul, Newcastle University

Contact us

For more information on PERG, please contact Professors Bill Dunn or Michela Vecchi.